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Preventive Care

All of our veterinarians offer a full range of preventive care and routine services to fit the needs of all types of equids. Whether your horse is a retired companion or a high-performance show animal, preventive care is essential to ensure your horse stays healthy and happy.


We recommend vaccinating all equids twice yearly against the following diseases: Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Western Equine Encephalitis, Tetanus, Influenza, EHV-1/4 (Rhinopneumonitis), West Nile Virus and Potomac Horse Fever. We also recommend once yearly vaccination against Rabies. We also recommend the botulism vaccine and its boosters at 4 weeks and 8 weeks following (annual thereafter) for horses who will be eating primarily from round bales of hay. Broodmares should be vaccinated again EHV-1/4 in months 5, 7 and 9 and receive all spring vaccines in the final month of gestation. We recommend vaccinating foals beginning at 6 months of age.

Parasite Control

We recommend a fecal egg count 1-2x per year to determine your horse’s parasite load and the appropriate deworming protocol. This involves examining manure under the microscope and counting the parasite eggs present. Our recommendations for a deworming protocol can be found here.

Coggins Test

The state of Virginia requires a negative coggins test performed within 12 months for any horse going to a show, race meet or any other function including any transport. A coggins test consists of submitting blood to test for equine infectious anemia which is a viral disease for which there is no vaccine or cure. It usually takes about 7-10 days to get back the results, however, a rush coggins may be submitted for an extra fee and the results come back the next day. We now offer digital coggins with your horse’s photograph.

Prescription Medication

We offer a convenient online pharmacy for our clients to fill their prescription and non-prescription medicines.  Please visit or click the link on our home page to view our online pharmacy store.

Medications we prescribe can be filled at the pharmacy of your choice.  However, third party pharmacy orders carry a $15 prescription fulfillment fee.  In addition, you can also pick up many medications and medical supplies right from our office.