We are known for the excellence of our lameness evaluations. Our veterinarians can perform comprehensive lameness exams including a ridden exam, flexion tests and diagnostic nerve blocks to determine the affected area or areas. We also provide diagnostic imaging including digital radiography and ultrasonography. Once a diagnosis has been established we are equipped to provide the following treatments to help resolve the lameness:
Joint Injections
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy
Blood is aspirated from the bone marrow of your horse’s sternum or pelvis and sent to a lab to culture mesenchymal stem cells. These cells can then be injected into injured soft tissue structures or inflamed joints.
Extra-Corporeal Shock Wave Therapy
A2M (alpha 2 macroglobulin) is a protein found naturally in the horse’s blood that acts to inhibit cartilage breakdown. A2M is used in inflamed or traumatized joints to decrease the risk of further joint deterioration by counteracting cartilage degradation. A2M injections can be performed on the farm as an outpatient procedure, and involve centrifuging blood down to a concentrated serum which can then be injected as needed, and frozen for up to 12 months.